
The undergraduate Minor in Real Estate is a minimum of 15 credits and comprised of:

  • RE Fundamentals – 1 required course (3 credits)
  • Colloquium | Applied Learning – 1 required course (2 credits as of fall 2022)
  • Electives – courses and credits vary (10 credits total as of fall 2022)

Note: students enrolled in the Minor prior to January 2021 may choose to complete the Minor via the previous requirements: Real Estate Fundamentals (3 credits), two required Colloquia (3 credits), and Electives (9 credits, including at least 3 credits in business and 3 credits outside of business).

Real Estate Fundamentals

All students must take the gateway course – Real Estate Fundamentals – which is typically taken as the first real estate course. Topics in the course include land use patterns and regulation, real estate finance, real estate law, brokerage and transfers, urban economics, and real estate development.

Course #

Course Title

Required for


RE 20700

Real Estate Fundamentals [FIN 30700]

All students


Colloquium | Applied Learning

Students are required to complete at least one (1) Colloquium | Applied Learning course listed below, which offers exposure to industry leaders, potential career paths, and/or applied learning experiences.  

Course #

Course Title


RE 43100

Real Estate Colloquium: Finance, Investment, and Law* (fall)


RE 43200

Real Estate Colloquium: Development, Design, and Construction* (spring)


RE 30750

Real Estate Private Equity (fall and spring)


Note: Starting academic year 2022-2023, students may take the "Real Estate Colloquium" only once. A student that already has taken 1.5 credits in RE 43100 (or 1.5 credits in RE 43200) may take 2 additional credits in RE 43200 (or 2 additional credits in RE 42100). But a student, regardless of when he or she enrolled in the minor, may not take 2 credits in RE 43100 and 2 credits in RE 43200.  Thus, no student may take more than 3.5 credits of the RE Colloquium. 

Depending on the number of credits, students may need to take additional electives to meet the 15-credit minimum requirement. Subject to the limitations above, students may take more than one of the courses listed below (e.g., students may take both the RE Colloquium and RE Private Equity), in which case the additional courses/credits are counted towards the 15-credit requirement. 


For the remaining credits, students choose from the electives listed below. All students are required to take at least 3 credits in Business electives [B] and at least 3 credits in Non-Business electives.

  • Non-Finance majors must take Intro to Real Estate Finance – which is not open to Finance majors – to satisfy their Business elective requirement.  Please be sure to register for the correct section: non-Finance Mendoza majors and those who have already taken Fundamentals of Finance (FIN 20150) must take the section of Intro to RE Finance in which FIN 20150 is a prerequisite; non-Mendoza majors who have not taken Fundamentals of Finance (FIN 20150) must take the section of Intro to RE Finance in which FIN 20150 is *not* a prerequisite.
  • Finance majors are encouraged to take Real Estate Valuation and Investment and/or Real Estate Capital Markets.  Finance majors may double count one of these courses (up to 3 credits) for both their FIN major and the RE Minor. Also, for Finance majors, taking RE Valuation and Investment or RE Capital Markets satisfies the 3 credits of Business electives [B] for purposes of the RE Minor. However, Finance majors, like all students in the RE Minor, must take a sufficient number of electives that count as part of the minor so that they have 15 credits towards the minor.
Course # Course Title Business  


ACCT 40710    

Business Law: Property and Negotiable Instruments




ARCH 43201

American Housing & Social Justice



ARCH 43311

Catholicism and The City



ARCH 43611

Carbon Neutral Development through Net Impact Design



ARCH 53621

Nature & the Built Environment 



CE 20700

Sustainable Development in a Changing World



CE 30720

Resiliency of Engineering Systems



CE 30610

Fundamentals of Construction Management (Spring)



ECON 30365

Money, Banking, & Mortgage Markets

       --   P       3

ECON 30532

Economics of Housing 




ECON 30535

Urban Economics        --   P         3

ECON 40610

Cities and Economic Geography




ENVS 290

The Shape of the City (ND/SMC Co-Exchange program)        --



FIN 30710

Land Use Policy & Practice



FIN 40710

Real Estate Valuation and Investment [RE 30710] (fall)




FIN 40720

Real Estate Capital Markets [RE 30730] (spring)




HIST 30877

Cities and Suburbs in Postwar America        --



ITAO 40570

Urban Analytics (spring)        B



RE 30720

Real Estate Development Process [FIN 30720] (fall and spring)




RE 30740

Intro to Real Estate Finance [FIN 37700] (required; Non-Finance majors only)




RE 30750

Real Estate Private Equity (fall 2023--Mod 1 and Mod 2)        B   P       2

RE 30770

Introduction to Real Estate Law (fall and spring)

       --   P


RE 30790

Church Real Estate: Land and the Lord (spring--fulfills Univ. requirement as CAD class)




RE 30810

Real Estate Investment Trusts (fall)        B   P       2
RE 30820

Church Properties Workshop (fall)

      --        1

RE 30830

Real Estate Disruption: Proptech and Fintech (fall)       --   P      2
RE 30850

Sustainability in Real Estate

      --        3
RE 34100

Real Estate Abroad (SE Asia Case Study) (Thailand summer 2023)

      --          1
RE 34200

Global Private Equity (London spring 2024)


  P      3
RE 37100

Puerto Rico Real Estate: Immersive Learning Experience* (spring break 2023)

      --          1

[B] = Business elective

[P] = Prerequisite required

[*] = Indicates that course is offered on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.  Please note that, for purposes of satisfying the 15 credits in the RE Minor, a student may take no more than three (3) credits on the basis of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (including either of the Real Estate Colloquia).

[****] = Beginning spring 2021, Real Estate Development Process [RE 30720] counts as a Non-Business elective (for purposes of the RE Minor). Students enrolled in the course during or prior to spring 2021 may count this course as either a Non-Business elective or a Business elective (for purposes of the RE Minor) in order to satisfy the elective requirements.

Visit Class Search on InsideND for the most current course offerings. Real Estate courses are listed under the subject "Real Estate" and approved electives are listed under the "MREL" attribute code.

Course Sequencing

  • Real Estate Fundamentals – provides an introduction to the principles of real estate and serves as a prerequisite for many other real estate courses. Students are strongly encouraged to begin with this course during sophomore year, or at the latest, fall semester of junior year.
  • Introduction to Real Estate Finance (non-Finance students) – provides an introduction to the evaluation and financing of real estate investments, which serves as a basis for other electives and applied learning opportunities. Non-Finance students are required to take this course and are encouraged to do so early in the curriculum (ideally, during the spring semester of their sophomore year or, alternatively, during their junior year) as the course is a prerequisite for many other courses and will be helpful for internships.
  • Real Estate Colloquium – students may wish to enroll in this course relatively early in the sequence as the course exposes students to a variety of career options, which may be useful for considering which internships and/or full-time jobs to pursue.
  • Notwithstanding the above recommendations, courses may be taken in any order to meet the 15-credit requirement.


  • Not every elective is offered each semester or each year, so students should plan accordingly.
  • Depending on a student's major, certain electives are more accessible than others. Some electives have prerequisites that are not part of the RE Minor; therefore, these electives may not be an option for all students.
  • Students should make an effort to take the necessary courses as early as possible in their graduation plan. All students are responsible for meeting the 15-credit requirement for the Minor.
  • Students who previously completed approved courses may subsequently apply for the Minor and count those courses toward the requirements.

Need more information? 

Contact Eugenio Acosta, Director of Undergraduate Studies via email or schedule an advising meeting