MBA Real Estate

MBA Real Estate Courses

MBA students can choose from a variety of real estate courses available within the Real Estate minor offered in the MBA program. Here are the current offerings for the 2024-2025 academic year:

Course #

Course Title


MBA 60720

Real Estate Development Process (Dan Murphy, fall; Carreira, spring)


MBA 60725

Real Estate Private Equity (O'Malley, fall and spring)


MBA 60730

Real Estate Colloquium: Finance, Investment, and Law (Kelly & O'Malley, fall) 


MBA 70113 Commercial Real Estate Transactions (Kelly, spring)


MBA 70281 Real Estate Investment Trusts (Romano, fall)


MBA 70710 Business Law: Property and Negotiable Instruments (O'Brien, fall and spring)


Visit Class Search on InsideND for the most current course offerings.


MBA Real Estate Club

MBA students interested in real estate may join the Fighting Irish Real Estate Club.

Prof. Mike O'Malley serves as the Club's faculty advisor.


Need more information? 

Contact Eugenio Acosta, Associate Director via email or schedule an advising meeting